Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Apocolypse Pig

A big pig concept sketch from earlier this year. Note to self: Finish BG

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This is a gouache painting from last year that I brought in to photoshop for some colour adjustments.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

...annnd....Bonus Post!

Seeing as the first post of '09 came in February, I decided to post an extra one and say it that it counts for January. So here are the coloured versions of some of my favourite characters from last year! Feel free to bask in their full colour glory.


Well, It's been a pretty hectic year so far, so I haven't been able to keep on top of this whole blog thing. But I did a quick caricature of my roommate Joe and decided it was once again time to make an effort to start posting agaan (mainly on account of the fact that usually Joe's caricatures depict him flashing a big smile and looking like an upstanding young man who knows what's what...not the case with this one). Lets see if I can beat my personal best of 2 posts in 2 weeks!